Looking for a way to give back to your profession while supporting CSIA and developing leadership skills? Consider participating in or heading a CSIA Committee. Contact the committee chairs below to see how you can get involved.
Best Practices CommitteeChair: Tony Valasek, EOSYSThe mission of the Best Practices and Benchmarks Committee is to attract industry leaders to actively participate and contribute towards the advancement and adoption of the best business and technical practices. The ultimate goal of continuously improving the CSIA best practices is to ensure a successful systems integration experience for every client where a CSIA Certified integrator is used. Meets 1-1.5 hours per month via conference call and in-person at Executive Conference.
Emerging Leaders Special Interest Group
Chair: John Sullivan, DMC
The Emerging Leaders SIG helps develop aspiring individuals for future leadership positions within their companies and within CSIA. The group engages with the next generation of CSIA member executives and helps them leverage their affiliation for personal development and for the development of their association.
Learn more about the Emerging Leaders SIG.
Marketing CommitteeCo-Chairs: Georgia Whalen, Rivergate Marketing; Lindsey Kielmeyer, MartinCSIThe Marketing Committee is devoted to connecting with CSIA's two key audiences: integrators and clients. The committee will work with staff to execute marketing plans that effectively achieve brand recognition and growth in the CSI industry. For the client community, the CSIA Marketing Committee helps to promote the CSIA brand externally, encourage CSIA Certification or membership as an industry requirement, and advance the CSIA Industrial Automation marketplace as a clearinghouse for information about control system integration as an industry and the firms and vendors that provide control system integration services and products worldwide.
Leadership Development CommitteeChair: Luigi de Bernardini, AutowareThe Leadership Development Committee provides recommendations for Board, Committee and Task Force membership to assure quality association governorship and continuity from year-to-year. Meets as-needed to provide recommendations for Board, Committee and Task Force membership.
Certification CommitteeChair: Jose Rivera, CSIA CEO The Certification Committee is one of the components of the Certification Management System (CMS) of CSIA.
Partner CommitteeCo-Chairs: John Weber, Software Toolbox, Inc;
Jose Rivera, CSIA CEOThe Partner Committee is dedicated to creating a mutually beneficial relationship between Partners and the integrator community. Meets as needed via conference call to discuss initiatives. Holds one in-person meeting per year at a host partner.
Benchmarking CommitteeChair: Titus Crabb, VertechThe Statistics Committee gathers meaningful statistical information about our integrator membership for the benefit of all our members. They identify trends and leading indicators for the industry as well as identify opportunities for improvement to build better system integration businesses. They support other association initiatives with relevant statistical data as needed. Meets 1.5 hours per month via conference call.
Digital Transformation Committee
Sam Hoff, Patti Engineering
This Digital Transformation Task Force is tasked to figure out if industrial automation SIs have a role to play in the digital transformation beyond their traditional role of technology implementation. If so, what is this role and what do SIs need to do to prepare for this emerging opportunity.
Awards Task ForceChair: Wright Sullivan, A&E Engineering, Inc.The Awards Task Force provides thoughtful recommendations to the Board for award nominees to assure recognition for service to the association and/or the industry.