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The Exchange works!

By Tony Veroeven posted 07-27-2015 14:57


Only a year old, the site has already produced qualified leads which members report are entering the proposal stage. It has also given incredible exposure to members who continuously use the content marketing features of the Exchange. 

The Exchange advertises heavily in Google AdWords, Plant Services, Automation World, the Flow Control Network, Waste & Water Digest, and other places where end-user clients are. Due to CSIA Staff and Member efforts to stress the importance of CSIA Membership and Certification, clients are using the site to search for CSIA Members, including those with CSIA Certification.

Exchange site traffic and clicks will only increase as CSIA and the Exchange becomes even more well-known to end-user clients. Now is the time to secure a category ad within your favorite industry, specialty or product and get right of first refusal when your placement comes due.
Subscribe to an Integrator or Partner Package that includes a Gold Profile and a category ad.

Make 2015 the year The Exchange works for you!

