
Now What? The Ins and Outs of System Integration Marketing.

By Eric Huemmer posted 09-09-2014 15:35


Marketing in the System Integration industry can be tricky. Sometimes there are so many tools in your toolbox that you forget what some of them can do. That’s why we use and reuse the ones we’re comfortable with, even if it requires more work. But what if those new tools can help make our job easier? The CSIA Exchange, your go-to resource for system integration marketing, might fall under that category. Here a few things to do once you've signed on to the Exchange:

  1. Fill out your profile: Simple but very important. Your profile could be the first thing a potential lead sees, so make it count. Select the categories your company will appear under if you have a Bronze and up profile, as this will be one of the ways an end user will find you. (The same goes for you, industry suppliers!)
  2. Ask and Answer Questions: I've gone through this in another blog, but this is an excellent way to demonstrate your expertise and get discussions going. If an end user asks a question, answering them could very well lead to your next big project. This is also important for Search Engine Optimization (SEO); when someone wants to find an answer to a question they don’t know, they type that question in to the search engine. If someone has already asked that question, your answer may be appear in the Google/Yahoo/Bing search results.
  3. Uploading Documents: White papers, case studies, instructional documents and brochures, you can upload any of these and more. If you have a free or Bronze Profile, you can upload them through your personal profile and they’ll appear in the Resource Center. With a Silver and Gold profile, you can upload them directly to your company’s profile. This is another resource to generate SEO, and your clients will be more likely to find your company in a normal internet search. The more you upload, the more your company will be found.
  4. Spread out Your Posts: With a Gold profile you can make blog and social media posts directly to your profile. These posts in the “New!” section will appear on the homepage of the Exchange once it’s posted, giving your news more eyes. You can simply link back to other social media posts you've made!

Each of these things can take 5 minutes tops and can lead you to, well, more leads! Sign on, ask and answer questions, and upload your information to use your profile to its highest potential. 

